Jenny Ziefel's Clarinet and Saxophone Studio

2024 recital information

Thursday, May 23, 2024 by Jenny Ziefel | Uncategorized

The studio recital will be at Shoreline Free Methodist Church at 4 o’clock on Sunday, June 2.

Things to know if you are participating live:

— arrive by 3:45

— look nice, no ties or dresses are required, but make sure that you’re wearing appropriate clothing for a formal presentation

— there will be water available at the breaks, but no food is allowed in the performance space

— we will be done by 6 PM

— check here for directions

— there will be two stands a piano, and a speaker available

Things to know if participating via video:

— your video is due on Friday, May 31 at 6 PM

— make sure to listen to your video before you send it to me

— here is the folder for your submission

Excellent work everyone! See you there.