Jenny Ziefel's Clarinet and Saxophone Studio

Lesson payments

  Monday, December 4, 2023 by Jenny Ziefel | Uncategorized

Due to cost of living increases, lesson rates have increased for January 2024.

Rates for lessons are $42.50/half hour. 

Lesson payments are due by the second lesson of the month.
If you need extra time or other accommodations, please let Jenny know.

Cancellations and recurring lessons

  Thursday, October 12, 2023 by Jenny Ziefel | Uncategorized

If you need assistance in changing your attendance or claiming a recurring lesson time, please email me and I can take care of it pretty easily. If you have had difficulty with my scheduling system, please let me know where you left off canceling an unwanted lesson time and I will take care of the rest of them. 

Thanks and see you soon!


2024 recital information

Thursday, May 23, 2024 by Jenny Ziefel | Uncategorized

The studio recital will be at Shoreline Free Methodist Church at 4 o’clock on Sunday, June 2.

Things to know if you are participating live:

— arrive by 3:45

— look nice, no ties or dresses are required, but make sure that you’re wearing appropriate clothing for a formal presentation

— there will be water available at the breaks, but no food is allowed in the performance space

— we will be done by 6 PM

— check here for directions

— there will be two stands a piano, and a speaker available

Things to know if participating via video:

— your video is due on Friday, May 31 at 6 PM

— make sure to listen to your video before you send it to me

— here is the folder for your submission

Excellent work everyone! See you there.